

FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) is a non-profit multi-partner organization that undertakes the mission of managing the world's forests in an environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable way. Our company has been FSC® (FSC®-C043979) certified since 2010 and manufactures in these standards.


ISO is the short spelling of the International Organization for Standardization and is a quality management system standard created by the international standardization organization. ISO 9901 certificate shows that the products and services of a company are produced in accordance with an internationally accepted standard.For many years, we have been keeping our customer satisfaction at the highest level by producing in ISO 9001 standards.


ISO 22000 is a management system standard that includes the necessary conditions for organizations in the food chain to ensure that food is safe at the time of consumption and to control threats to food safety. We document our high standard in the production of food packaging materials with this certificate.